

May 28, 2023

American Rare Earths’ Melissa Sanderson on the ‘potentially rich deposit’ of magnetic materials in Wyoming


In a recent interview between InvestorIntel’s Jack Lifton and Melissa Sanderson, President of North America and Director at American Rare Earths Limited (ASX: ARR | OTCQB: ARRNF) (“ARR”), they discussed the exciting discovery in Wyoming of a potentially rich deposit of the magnetic materials, neodymium (Nd) and praseodymium (Pr) and offered an update on the rare earths industry.

Melissa began with an explanation that while the exploration is still in its early stages, ARR plans to fast-track the analysis process with ALS Labs. Outlining the challenges in the development of such a project, Melissa was consistent in ARR’s commitment to start production at Halleck Creek within a 5-to-7-year timeframe, provided there are no significant objections during the permitting phase.

Jack and Melissa also discussed geopolitical elements in the rare earths’ landscape. Despite potential shifts in the White House and its policy approach to mining and natural resources, Melissa expressed optimism. She referenced an unprecedented bipartisan agreement on the Hill. On one side, the left is driven by the demands of climate change and the pursuit of a more sustainable economy. On the other, the right is focused on national security and the reduction of dependence on foreign entities like China.

plans to fast-track the analysis process with ALS Labs. Outlining the challenges in the development of such a project, Melissa was consistent in ARR’s commitment to start production at Halleck Creek within a 5-to-7-year timeframe, provided there are no significant objections during the permitting phase.

Jack and Melissa also discussed geopolitical elements in the rare earths’ landscape. Despite potential shifts in the White House and its policy approach to mining and natural resources, Melissa expressed optimism. She referenced an unprecedented bipartisan agreement on the Hill. On one side, the left is driven by the demands of climate change and the pursuit of a more sustainable economy. On the other, the right is focused on national security and the reduction of dependence on foreign entities like China.

Lifton concurred with Sanderson, noting that although the U.S. could never be entirely self-sufficient in these essential materials, they could rely on countries such as Australia and Canada for supply. He also voiced his belief that the U.S. market for rare earths would remain a sellers’ market due to the demand. To access the complete interview, click here

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American Rare Earths (ASX: ARR | OTCQB: ARRNF | FSE: 1BHA) is a leading explorer and developer of rare earth elements with a strong focus on developing sustainable and cost-effective extraction and processing methods. The company’s projects, including Halleck Creek in Wyoming, La Paz in Arizona, and Searchlight in Nevada, hold significant potential to become major rare earth production sites in North America.

To know more about American Rare Earths Limited, click here

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Thanks to Ms. Sanderson for her viewpoints and to Mr. Lifton for his ongoing contributions to RE sector thought. While we do not necessarily share the same optimism when viewing these issues and clearly come from differing (motivating) perspectives, I am appreciative of her willingness to engage and discuss the macro issues that are likely to impact all prospective RE projects in N. America.


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